Monday, June 2, 2014

Time Flies When You're Having Fun

Beautiful Falls Park in
downtown Greensville, SC

Passing Time

Your skin like dawn
Mine like musk.

One paints the beginning
of a certain end.

The other, the end of a
sure beginning.

—Maya Angelou, RIP

May came and went in a flash. Here's a quick recap:

I spent the first few days of May finishing up USA Crits Speed Week, a series of 5 races in Georgia and South Carolina. Overall, I finished 20th out of 68 riders and while it's not a result to brag about, I made the long drive home feeling confident that I had gained some very valuable race experience. Between races I made Greenville, SC my base. Greenville is one of the most cyclist-friendly cities I've visited and a refreshing change from the A1A, with the Swamp Rabbit Trail system, several scenic climbs and miles of rolling country roads.