About Amy

To the surprise of many, I did not grow up as an athlete. I wouldn't have even considered myself to be an "active" kid. As the child of a single mother, extra curricular activities were never a priority. I went to school and worked more than one job from a young age. At age 24, I found myself living in Southern California, where EVERYONE was active. So when in Rome, right? For the first time in my life I was able to work a little less and found the time to start being more active. I started working out and running, next thing I knew I was running half marathons every weekend and several full marathons a year. I was bit hard by the SoCal adventure bug and dabbled in everything from sea kayaking around Catalina Island, sailing retired America Cup boats, 72-hour adventure racing across Baja Calif., surfing in Del Mar, open water swimming in La Jolla Cove, summiting 14'ers, alpine mountaineering and rock climbing in Joshua Tree to driving my Land Rover across Death Valley and the Mojave. In 2009, at 28 years old I decided to go to college to study Exercise Physiology. That brought me back to Florida where I studied at Florida Atlantic University and earned a B.S.E. in Exercise Science and Health Promotion. All the California adventures were replaced with training for triathlon and cycling. I did my first ever bike race in 2012, finished 2nd and was hooked. I've been training along "the A1A" and racing around the state ever since. I am now riding my bike full time and working as a USA Cycling certified coach. I'm excited and humbled to be riding for one of the best women's pro cycling teams in the country this year.